BRUZER products are proudly designed, manufactured, and assembled in the United States of America. At Bruzer our owner is a disabled veteran. We pride ourselves on leadership, ethics, morals and quality to the highest standards. We expect this from our employees, our suppliers and our clients.
- All of our tooling is sourced from manufacturers in the United States of America
- We source all of our machined metal components, from American manufacturers.
- Contracted all of our metal hardware treating to be done by local heat treatment companies
- Purchased as many hand tools, power tools, and general shop items as we could find that were still manufactured in America
- Partnered with an American Holster manufacturer in Idaho.
When you buy from BRUZER you truly are putting Americans to work at every step of the way.

Our warranty is grounded in traditional American integrity and customer service. We will replace or repair our product and cover all costs if our product is defective from a manufacturing standpoint. It doesn’t matter where you bought it or when you bought it. Just return the product to us through the proper channels and we will make it right.
Our manufacturing steps are often more difficult and considerably more expensive because we believe in going the extra mile… using the best American-Made components, manufacturing our product using American-Made tools and molds, and doing all of this with American labor. Our employees are all veterans, disabled veterans, retired law enforcement or family members of deceased members of the military and law enforcement communities.